Repeats and parallel computing

By default, GADMA runs optimization that uses the genetic algorithm once. However, it is recommended to run optimization several times and choose the best model among the received ones. Option Number of repeats in the parameter file tells GADMA how many times an optimization should be executed. Moreover, there is another option Number of processes that allows GADMA to run all the processes in parallel.

# param_file
Number of repeats : 6
Number of processes : 2 # or 3 or 6


GADMA parallelizes exactly as many repeated runs as there are processes specified and uses no more processes than the number of releats. So if one asks to repeat optimization twice and parallelize in more than 2 processes, only two processes will be used eventually. Or if there should be 6 repeats on 2 processes then GADMA will run first two repeats and will run other four right after any process will be released (its run will be finished).


Number of processes should be less than Number of repeats and it will be better if it is aliquot to the Number of repeats.


Number of processes shouldn’t be greater than the number of cores on one’s computer. Otherwise there will be no sense in parallelization.