Specifying an engine

GADMA provides the following choice of engines for demographic inference:

  • dadi
  • moments (by default)
  • momi2
  • momentsLD

In order to choose engine:

# param file
Engine : moments

Engine comparison

Feature dadi moments momi2 momentsLD
Max pop. num. custom model 5 5 5
Max pop. num. structure model 3 3 3 3
VCF input data
SFS input data ❌ (LD stats)
Can simulate data ✅ (msprime)
Recombination rate
Model plotting ✅*
Fast multinom inference
Exponential size function
Linear size function
Continuous migration
Selection coefficients
Inbreeding coefficients

* No migrations are drawn


dadi engine (Diffusion Approximation for Demographic Inference) was presented in [Gutenkunst2009] and has been developed since then. dadi engine is able to infer inbreeding coefficients ([Blischak2020]).

When using the dadi engine, it is recommended to check the value of the Pts option in the params_file. Pts is a sequence of three numbers, each of which is equal to the number of points in grid size. The greater the numbers are, the more accurate numerical solution of a partial differential equation dadi will give. However, finding such a more accurate solution takes more time. By default, GADMA takes Pts : n, n + 10, n + 20, where n is the largest sample size among the populations of interest.

# param file
Engine : dadi
Pts: [40, 50, 60]

Moreover, the type of extrapolation in dadi could be changed from logarithmic (‘make_extrap_log_func’) to linear if desired:

# param file
Engine : dadi
Pts: [40, 50, 60]
Dadi extrapolation: make_extrap_func


Pts option is also used for other engines as well: for generation of python code for dadi. So if one wants to use dadi’s code of final models after run then maybe the Pts argument must be set too.


moments engine [Jouganous2017] is very similar to dadi. Usually it is much faster than dadi but maybe less accurate. It is the default engine for demographic inference with GADMA.

# param file
Engine : moments

moments engine is able to draw plots of demographic models. Be default demes engine is used as an engine for drawing but moments can be also chosen. For more information please see Plotting model section.


Another engine for demographic inference is momi2 ([Kamm2020]). Although GADMA is limited to three populations with a demographic model with structure, momi2 and therefore the momi2 engine can be used for a lot of populations (e.g. 10) with a custom demographic model.

Custom demographic model given to GADMA will be read in a different way than models for dadi and moments. The units of parameters are assumed to be in physical units. To mark that some parameter is in genetic units please add _gen to its name (e.g. nu_gen). The example momi2 engine usage with custom demographic model can be found here.

Engines dadi and moments have a special type of demographic inference that is called multinomial inference: it is possible to infer size of ancestral population implicitly from values of other parameters. However, momi2 engine is not able to perform such inference and option Ancestral size as parameter should be set to True.

Unfortunately, momi2 engine has some limitations on demographic parameters: it does not infer continuous migrations and linear size change. If an engine is chosen then GADMA informs about these limitations and disables migration and linear dynamic automatically.

# param file
Engine : momi2
# Mutation rate and sequence length are required
Sequence length: 1e9
Mutation rate: 1.25e-8

# the following options are set automatically if momi2 engine is chosen
Ancestral size as parameter: True
No migrations: True
Dynamics: [Sud, Exp]

momi2 engine can be also used to draw demographic models, however, it fails to draw histories with linear size change and does not draw migrations. For more information please see Plotting model section.


This section contains all basic information about the momentsLD engine. Additional specifications are located here.

momentsLD engine ([Ragsdale2019], [Ragsdale2020]) is the extension of moments. Unlike other engines, momentsLD does not work with the allele frequency spectrum, but with LD (linkage disequilibrium) statistics and stores them in a different way than AFS.

momentsLD works with data provided in VCF format. VCF file must contain all chromosomes you want to use in the analysis. If you have few separated VCF files you can concat them using bcftools or similar programs. GADMA takes only one single VCF file as input. Population map file is also required. In case of several chromosomes it is required that option Sequence length is set as a dictionary with separate lengths of each chromosome.

Parsing LD statistics from an input VCF file is a time-consuming process which is not a main part of the GADMA genetic algorithm evaluation. If you start GADMA several times, it will spend a lot of time parsing LD statistics from data. In this case, GADMA has the option of precomputing data before the main process starts. For more information see the special section.

momentsLD estimate LD statistics binning observed pairs of SNP by recombination distances. It can bin pairs by physical distances, but genetic maps are non-uniform and do not perfectly correlate with recombination distances. When working with momentsLD it is recommended to use recombination rate that will be used for auto generation of recombination maps. It is possible to set recombination maps instead of recombination rate, for more information see additional section.

LD statistics are evaluated across several regions of a given sequence. GADMA allows to specify length of one region (Region len option), it can be considered in a sense very similar to the Pts option for dadi engine. The greater the number of regions is, the lower noise level in the processed data will be. But at the same time, it is important to keep balance between the number of regions and the length of each individual region. Regions that are too small are also not suitable for work. By default, GADMA has Region len equal to 6,400,000 bp that will provide ~500 regions for full human data.

# param file
Engine : momentsLD
# Data should be in VCF format, sequence length should be very specific
Input data: path_to_vcf_file_with_chr1_chr2, path_to_popmap_file
Sequence length: {chromosome1: 249250621, chromosome2: 243199373}
Mutation rate: 1.25e-8
# Recombination rate is recommended to be specified8
Recombination rate: 1.5e-8

# Length of each region that will be used to evaluate LD stats
Region len: 6400000

# the following option is set automatically if momentsLD engine is chosen with structure model
Ancestral size as parameter: True