Units of parameters

GADMA shows model parameters and their units in general GADMA.log output at the end of each model, for example:

All best by log-likelihood models
Number      log-likelihood          Model   Units
Run 1       -1277.31         [Nanc = 8273]  physical, time in generations

There are two possible types of units:

  • Physical

  • Genetic

Time units (generations or years) are specified when units are physical.


Parameters specified in additional output files (e.g. in 1/GADMA_GA.log) are always in genetic units.

Physical Units

Definition of physical units for parameters

Parameter type


Description of physical units

Population size


Number of individuals



Generations or years
(depending on Time for generation option)

Migration rate


Proportion of migrants in population per generation

Inbreeding coefficient


Probability that two alleles at any locus in an
individual are identical by descent from the
common ancestor(s) of the two parents

Fraction in population split


Franction of population size that goes stays at
the same population

In order to get output in physical units the following options should be specified in params_file:

  • Mutation rate

  • Sequence length

If Time for generation is specified then time will be presented not in generations (default), but years.

Genetic units

Parameters are presented in genetic units means that they are scaled to the reference population size Nref that is ancestral population size.

Definition of genetic units for parameters

Parameter type


Description of physical units

Population size


Number of individuals divided by Nref



Generations divided by 2 * Nref

Migration rate


Proportion of migrants in population per
generation multiplied by 2 * Nref

Inbreeding coefficient


Fraction, the same as for physical units

Fraction in population split


Franction, the same as for physical units

In order to get output in genetic units the Relative parameters option should be set to True in params_file. If Mutation rate or Sequence length are not specified, then Relative parameters option is set automatically to be True.

To translate parameters from genetic units to physical units one should first get Nref as:

theta / (4 * mu * L),

where mu is mutation rate, L corresponds to sequence length and theta is given in the output of the model. Then translate values the following way: sizes of populations — multiply by Nref; time — multiply by 2 * Nref; migration rates — divide by 2 * Nref.