Function optimize_ga with moments for (YRI, CEU) inference

It is example from moments. In original example close to optimal parameters are pertrubed and then local search (optimize_log, optimize_powell etc.) is launched.

In our modification of this example here we use global search - Genetic Algorithm (optimize_ga) from GADMA software.

You can find original python code here (moments/examples/YRI_CEU/ file)


import moments
import gadma
%matplotlib inline


Data was build originally for paper Gutenkunst et al. 2009.

It is 20x20 spectrum for two populations:

  • YRI - Yoruba in Ibadan, Nigeria

  • CEU - Utah Residents (CEPH) with Northern and Western European Ancestry

data = moments.Spectrum.from_file("YRI_CEU.fs")
ns = data.sample_sizes
print(f"Size of spectrum: {ns}")
Size of spectrum: [20 20]
moments.Plotting.plot_single_2d_sfs(data, vmin=1.0)

Demographic model

Demographic model is saved in as model_func function. But we also put it here:

import numpy
import moments

def model_func(params, ns):
    Model with growth, split, bottleneck in pop2, exp recovery, migration

    nu1F: The ancestral population size after growth. (Its initial size is
          defined to be 1.)
    nu2B: The bottleneck size for pop2
    nu2F: The final size for pop2
    m: The scaled migration rate
    Tp: The scaled time between ancestral population growth and the split.
    T: The time between the split and present

    n1,n2: Size of fs to generate.
    pts: Number of points to use in grid for evaluation.

    nu1F, nu2B, nu2F, m, Tp, T = params
    # f for the equilibrium ancestral population
    sts = moments.LinearSystem_1D.steady_state_1D(ns[0]+ns[1])
    fs = moments.Spectrum(sts)

    # Now do the population growth event.
    fs.integrate([nu1F], Tp)
    # The divergence
    fs = moments.Manips.split_1D_to_2D(fs, ns[0], ns[1])
    # We need to define a function to describe the non-constant population 2
    # size. lambda is a convenient way to do so.
    nu2_func = lambda t: [nu1F, nu2B*(nu2F/nu2B)**(t/T)]
    fs.integrate(nu2_func, T, m=numpy.array([[0, m],[m, 0]]))

    return fs

We can import it from file by:

from demographic_models_moments import model_func as func

or use directly from our notebook:

func = model_func


Now we will infer parameters for this demographic history and loaded data.

# Now let's optimize parameters for this model.

# The upper_bound and lower_bound lists are for use in optimization.
# Occasionally the optimizer will try wacky parameter values. We in particular
# want to exclude values with very long times, very small population sizes, or
# very high migration rates, as they will take a long time to evaluate.
# Parameters are: (nu1F, nu2B, nu2F, m, Tp, T)
par_labels = ('nu1F', 'nu2B', 'nu2F', 'm', 'Tp', 'T')
upper_bound = [100, 100, 100, 10, 3, 3]
lower_bound = [1e-2, 1e-2, 1e-2, 0, 0, 0]

# Run our optimization
# For more information: help(gadma.Inference.optimize_ga)
# It is test optimization so only 10 iterations of global optimization
# (ga_maxiter) and 1 iteration of local (ls_maxiter) are run.
# For better optimization set those number to greater values or to None.
print('Beginning optimization ************************************************')
result = gadma.Inference.optimize_ga(data=data,
                                     p_ids = par_labels,
print('Finshed optimization **************************************************')
Beginning optimization ************************************************
--Start global optimization Genetic_algorithm--
Generation #0.
Current generation of solutions:
N       Value of fitness function       Solution
0       -1987.052205    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=2.89219,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      r
1       -2234.646741    (nu1F=3.50412,  nu2B=0.13566,   nu2F=0.34019,   m=1.39445,      Tp=0.6516,      T=1.26159)      r
2       -3284.832003    (nu1F=2.36307,  nu2B=10.48031,  nu2F=0.15888,   m=0.90435,      Tp=1.40333,     T=0.77398)      r
3       -3949.781543    (nu1F=27.61818, nu2B=1.91526,   nu2F=0.37061,   m=1.48645,      Tp=0.77768,     T=1.62237)      r
4       -4094.822922    (nu1F=6.88753,  nu2B=0.53698,   nu2F=4.57133,   m=0.742,        Tp=0.51412,     T=1.22419)      r
5       -4471.930371    (nu1F=6.58858,  nu2B=0.20111,   nu2F=0.25936,   m=1.01793,      Tp=1.33963,     T=1.05038)      r
6       -4482.327581    (nu1F=2.07049,  nu2B=3.27477,   nu2F=4.70106,   m=0,    Tp=0.43373,     T=0.24935)      r
7       -4566.605335    (nu1F=8.27895,  nu2B=4.02306,   nu2F=2.46973,   m=0.60475,      Tp=1.18486,     T=0.79746)      r
8       -4627.880832    (nu1F=3.15245,  nu2B=4.30329,   nu2F=2.9816,    m=0,    Tp=1.27727,     T=0.79689)      r
9       -4814.204612    (nu1F=0.56577,  nu2B=1.21377,   nu2F=1.0236,    m=1.63148,      Tp=0.94572,     T=1.40603)      r
Current mean mutation rate:      0.200000
Current mean number of params to change during mutation:          1

--Best solution by value of fitness function--
Value of fitness: -1987.0522053640375
Solution:               (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=2.89219,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      r

Generation #1.
Current generation of solutions:
N       Value of fitness function       Solution
0       -1987.052205    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=2.89219,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      r
1       -2234.646741    (nu1F=3.50412,  nu2B=0.13566,   nu2F=0.34019,   m=1.39445,      Tp=0.6516,      T=1.26159)      r
2       -3242.410755    (nu1F=7.73078,  nu2B=3.56599,   nu2F=0.31896,   m=1.03176,      Tp=1.27683,     T=1.43487)      r
3       -3420.133914    (nu1F=3.50412,  nu2B=0.53698,   nu2F=4.57133,   m=0.742,        Tp=0.6516,      T=1.26159)      c
4       -3967.672073    (nu1F=7.06096,  nu2B=3.05846,   nu2F=2.46973,   m=0.60475,      Tp=1.18486,     T=0.79746)      mm
5       -4439.905351    (nu1F=22.25187, nu2B=1.91526,   nu2F=0.24767,   m=1.48645,      Tp=0.77768,     T=1.62237)      mm
6       -4482.327581    (nu1F=2.07049,  nu2B=3.27477,   nu2F=4.70106,   m=0,    Tp=0.43373,     T=0.24935)      c
7       -4566.605335    (nu1F=8.27895,  nu2B=4.02306,   nu2F=2.46973,   m=0.60475,      Tp=1.18486,     T=0.79746)      c
8       -4648.069388    (nu1F=3.03553,  nu2B=4.30329,   nu2F=2.9816,    m=0.00e+00,     Tp=1.12279,     T=0.75905)      mmmm
9       -10116.700949   (nu1F=0.33253,  nu2B=1.04749,   nu2F=1.01133,   m=0.65527,      Tp=0.96124,     T=1.15813)      r
Current mean mutation rate:      0.240000
Current mean number of params to change during mutation:          1

--Best solution by value of fitness function--
Value of fitness: -1987.0522053640375
Solution:               (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=2.89219,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      r

Mean time:      1.438 sec.

Generation #2.
Current generation of solutions:
N       Value of fitness function       Solution
0       -1985.779939    (nu1F=4.64104,  nu2B=0.14456,   nu2F=1.291,     m=1.20103,      Tp=0.72781,     T=1.05714)      r
1       -1987.052205    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=2.89219,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      r
2       -1999.488386    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=2.09585,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.88786,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      mm
3       -2234.646741    (nu1F=3.50412,  nu2B=0.13566,   nu2F=0.34019,   m=1.39445,      Tp=0.6516,      T=1.26159)      r
4       -2646.187746    (nu1F=7.73078,  nu2B=3.56599,   nu2F=0.40538,   m=1.1536,       Tp=1.27683,     T=1.43487)      mm
5       -3251.586303    (nu1F=7.73078,  nu2B=3.56599,   nu2F=0.31896,   m=1.03176,      Tp=1.27683,     T=1.78654)      m
6       -3967.672073    (nu1F=7.06096,  nu2B=3.05846,   nu2F=2.46973,   m=0.60475,      Tp=1.18486,     T=0.79746)      c
7       -5627.140413    (nu1F=2.07049,  nu2B=3.27477,   nu2F=4.57133,   m=0.742,        Tp=0.43373,     T=1.26159)      c
8       -9524.027742    (nu1F=6.3693,   nu2B=1.24507,   nu2F=2.39034,   m=0,    Tp=1.084,       T=1.65784)      r
9       -13989.816500   (nu1F=0.33253,  nu2B=1.04749,   nu2F=2.9816,    m=0.65527,      Tp=1.12279,     T=1.15813)      c
Current mean mutation rate:      0.288000
Current mean number of params to change during mutation:          1

--Best solution by value of fitness function--
Value of fitness: -1985.7799393124901
Solution:               (nu1F=4.64104,  nu2B=0.14456,   nu2F=1.291,     m=1.20103,      Tp=0.72781,     T=1.05714)      r

Mean time:      1.752 sec.

Generation #3.
Current generation of solutions:
N       Value of fitness function       Solution
0       -1663.525411    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=1.24507,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      c
1       -1985.779939    (nu1F=4.64104,  nu2B=0.14456,   nu2F=1.291,     m=1.20103,      Tp=0.72781,     T=1.05714)      r
2       -1987.052205    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=2.89219,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      r
3       -2114.344901    (nu1F=1.03383,  nu2B=2.54967,   nu2F=0.30822,   m=1.37369,      Tp=0.85999,     T=1.71988)      r
4       -2234.646741    (nu1F=3.50412,  nu2B=0.13566,   nu2F=0.34019,   m=1.39445,      Tp=0.6516,      T=1.26159)      c
5       -2608.936199    (nu1F=7.73078,  nu2B=2.43015,   nu2F=0.40538,   m=1.1536,       Tp=1.27683,     T=1.43487)      m
6       -8124.265720    (nu1F=6.3693,   nu2B=1.24507,   nu2F=2.39034,   m=0,    Tp=0.69147,     T=1.34897)      mm
7       -10793.186574   (nu1F=0.33253,  nu2B=1.04749,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.65527,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.15813)      c
8       -12939.312322   (nu1F=0.33253,  nu2B=1.04749,   nu2F=2.24041,   m=0.65527,      Tp=1.12279,     T=1.15813)      m
9       -96742.964941   (nu1F=0.09123,  nu2B=13.99824,  nu2F=0.67339,   m=0,    Tp=0.6985,      T=1.06168)      r
Current mean mutation rate:      0.345600
Current mean number of params to change during mutation:          1

--Best solution by value of fitness function--
Value of fitness: -1663.5254110392593
Solution:               (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=1.24507,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      c

Mean time:      1.735 sec.

Generation #4.
Current generation of solutions:
N       Value of fitness function       Solution
0       -1663.525411    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=1.24507,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      c
1       -1985.779939    (nu1F=4.64104,  nu2B=0.14456,   nu2F=1.291,     m=1.20103,      Tp=0.72781,     T=1.05714)      r
2       -1987.052205    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=2.89219,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      c
3       -2448.164133    (nu1F=4.20643,  nu2B=0.13566,   nu2F=0.34019,   m=1.39445,      Tp=0.6516,      T=1.26159)      m
4       -4335.594328    (nu1F=3.52615,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=0.25474,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=0.89453)      r
5       -4902.715633    (nu1F=6.3693,   nu2B=1.24507,   nu2F=3.40643,   m=0,    Tp=0.69147,     T=0.86596)      mm
6       -4934.522031    (nu1F=0.33253,  nu2B=1.04749,   nu2F=0.30822,   m=1.37369,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.15813)      c
7       -4995.031704    (nu1F=0.33253,  nu2B=1.04749,   nu2F=0.34019,   m=1.39445,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.26159)      c
8       -10987.532249   (nu1F=1.26215,  nu2B=5.27405,   nu2F=1.05231,   m=0,    Tp=1.20941,     T=1.05955)      r
9       -11772.353532   (nu1F=0.33253,  nu2B=0.47262,   nu2F=2.24041,   m=0.65527,      Tp=0.65116,     T=1.15813)      mm
Current mean mutation rate:      0.330201
Current mean number of params to change during mutation:          1

--Best solution by value of fitness function--
Value of fitness: -1663.5254110392593
Solution:               (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=1.24507,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      c

Mean time:      1.682 sec.

Generation #5.
Current generation of solutions:
N       Value of fitness function       Solution
0       -1597.687926    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=1.27423,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      c
1       -1663.525411    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=1.24507,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      c
2       -1985.779939    (nu1F=4.64104,  nu2B=0.14456,   nu2F=1.291,     m=1.20103,      Tp=0.72781,     T=1.05714)      r
3       -2453.652390    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=1.24507,   nu2F=2.24041,   m=0.65527,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.15813)      c
4       -2515.310931    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=5.27405,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.05955)      c
5       -2545.396501    (nu1F=4.20643,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=0.34019,   m=1.39445,      Tp=0.6516,      T=1.26159)      m
6       -3359.041195    (nu1F=10.10477, nu2B=2.67777,   nu2F=0.71518,   m=1.01601,      Tp=1.54076,     T=0.58929)      r
7       -3422.167407    (nu1F=3.52615,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=0.33999,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=0.89453)      m
8       -11603.959998   (nu1F=0.33253,  nu2B=0.47262,   nu2F=2.24041,   m=0.65527,      Tp=0.41536,     T=1.15813)      m
9       -38494.309072   (nu1F=1.46343,  nu2B=0.03006,   nu2F=2.85164,   m=0,    Tp=0.99627,     T=0.85137)      r
Current mean mutation rate:      0.396241
Current mean number of params to change during mutation:          1

--Best solution by value of fitness function--
Value of fitness: -1597.6879257305714
Solution:               (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=1.27423,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      c

Mean time:      1.767 sec.

Generation #6.
Current generation of solutions:
N       Value of fitness function       Solution
0       -1597.687926    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=1.27423,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      c
1       -1663.525411    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=1.24507,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      c
2       -1931.836224    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=1.39445,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.26159)      c
3       -1996.307308    (nu1F=4.64104,  nu2B=0.21664,   nu2F=1.291,     m=1.20103,      Tp=0.72781,     T=1.05714)      m
4       -2522.765587    (nu1F=3.52615,  nu2B=5.27405,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.05955)      c
5       -2531.702673    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=5.27405,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.6516,      T=1.05955)      c
6       -2640.415835    (nu1F=4.32674,  nu2B=5.27405,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.05955)      m
7       -5306.442435    (nu1F=1.45793,  nu2B=0.39465,   nu2F=0.24297,   m=0.58745,      Tp=0.90613,     T=1.38515)      r
8       -11672.705897   (nu1F=0.33253,  nu2B=0.47262,   nu2F=2.24041,   m=0.65527,      Tp=0.50409,     T=1.15813)      m
9       -36729.679941   (nu1F=0.03946,  nu2B=3.09023,   nu2F=2.10606,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.11355,     T=1.21844)      r
Current mean mutation rate:      0.378586
Current mean number of params to change during mutation:          1

--Best solution by value of fitness function--
Value of fitness: -1597.6879257305714
Solution:               (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=1.27423,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      c

Mean time:      1.885 sec.

Generation #7.
Current generation of solutions:
N       Value of fitness function       Solution
0       -1523.930595    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=0.94865,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      m
1       -1597.687926    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=1.27423,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      c
2       -1663.525411    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=1.24507,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.64976)      c
3       -1790.894462    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=1.39445,      Tp=0.72851,     T=0.76911)      m
4       -2515.310931    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=5.27405,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.05955)      c
5       -2993.586871    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=2.24041,   m=1.39445,      Tp=0.50409,     T=1.26159)      c
6       -4321.808193    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=1.24507,   nu2F=0.24297,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.90613,     T=1.64976)      c
7       -30626.942399   (nu1F=0.04939,  nu2B=3.09023,   nu2F=1.13642,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.70968,     T=1.21844)      mmm
8       -35323.431586   (nu1F=0.92815,  nu2B=0.2353,    nu2F=0.48838,   m=0,    Tp=1.00142,     T=1.40864)      r
9       -164418.367383  (nu1F=0.03477,  nu2B=1.40775,   nu2F=0.87201,   m=0,    Tp=0.73566,     T=0.74641)      r
Current mean mutation rate:      0.454303
Current mean number of params to change during mutation:          1

--Best solution by value of fitness function--
Value of fitness: -1523.9305953803782
Solution:               (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=0.94865,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      m

Mean time:      1.947 sec.

Generation #8.
Current generation of solutions:
N       Value of fitness function       Solution
0       -1433.698137    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.70968,     T=1.21844)      c
1       -1523.930595    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=0.94865,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      m
2       -1540.854547    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      c
3       -1597.687926    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=1.27423,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      c
4       -1792.477972    (nu1F=2.51022,  nu2B=0.04947,   nu2F=1.06469,   m=1.08229,      Tp=1.48334,     T=0.55765)      r
5       -3042.188829    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.13257,   nu2F=2.24041,   m=1.39445,      Tp=0.50409,     T=1.26159)      m
6       -3291.036580    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=5.27405,   nu2F=1.83067,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.72851,     T=1.05955)      m
7       -4319.493496    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=1.24507,   nu2F=0.24297,   m=0.73591,      Tp=0.50409,     T=1.64976)      c
8       -44952.010421   (nu1F=1.11858,  nu2B=0.49652,   nu2F=0.09486,   m=0,    Tp=1.78423,     T=1.2218)       r
9       -228968.677901  (nu1F=0.03477,  nu2B=1.40775,   nu2F=0.87201,   m=0,    Tp=1.13039,     T=1.09572)      mm
Current mean mutation rate:      0.545164
Current mean number of params to change during mutation:          1

--Best solution by value of fitness function--
Value of fitness: -1433.6981366143343
Solution:               (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.70968,     T=1.21844)      c

Mean time:      1.931 sec.

Generation #9.
Current generation of solutions:
N       Value of fitness function       Solution
0       -1433.698137    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.70968,     T=1.21844)      c
1       -1523.930595    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=0.94865,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      m
2       -1786.054774    (nu1F=1.70483,  nu2B=0.04947,   nu2F=1.06469,   m=1.08229,      Tp=1.48334,     T=0.55765)      m
3       -1935.172762    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=1.83067,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      c
4       -1941.771825    (nu1F=2.51022,  nu2B=0.08549,   nu2F=0.6051,    m=1.08229,      Tp=1.48334,     T=0.55765)      mm
5       -7817.280977    (nu1F=16.94158, nu2B=1.1129,    nu2F=2.24661,   m=0,    Tp=1.04069,     T=1.10915)      r
6       -24611.921104   (nu1F=0.57072,  nu2B=8.74634,   nu2F=2.30423,   m=0,    Tp=0.08922,     T=1.29197)      r
7       -32301.829825   (nu1F=1.11858,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0,    Tp=0.89919,     T=1.2218)       c
8       -40957.277307   (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.49652,   nu2F=0.09486,   m=0,    Tp=1.70968,     T=1.2218)       c
9       -44919.104695   (nu1F=1.11858,  nu2B=0.49652,   nu2F=0.09486,   m=0,    Tp=2.55412,     T=1.2218)       m
Current mean mutation rate:      0.520873
Current mean number of params to change during mutation:          1

--Best solution by value of fitness function--
Value of fitness: -1433.6981366143343
Solution:               (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.70968,     T=1.21844)      c

Mean time:      1.870 sec.

Generation #10.
Current generation of solutions:
N       Value of fitness function       Solution
0       -1433.698137    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.70968,     T=1.21844)      c
1       -1523.930595    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=0.94865,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      m
2       -1523.930595    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=0.94865,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      c
3       -1566.988930    (nu1F=1.44261,  nu2B=0.62142,   nu2F=0.53705,   m=0.95052,      Tp=1.00765,     T=0.57655)      r
4       -1671.759587    (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=1.4189,    m=1.06699,      Tp=0.89919,     T=1.64976)      m
5       -5717.397850    (nu1F=0.57072,  nu2B=0.0472,    nu2F=2.30423,   m=1.06699,      Tp=0.08922,     T=1.64976)      c
6       -10618.701551   (nu1F=9.15494,  nu2B=1.48685,   nu2F=0.44471,   m=0,    Tp=1.06041,     T=0.99997)      r
7       -18102.886873   (nu1F=0.57072,  nu2B=8.74634,   nu2F=2.30423,   m=0.00e+00,     Tp=0.08922,     T=0.85389)      mm
8       -40952.635766   (nu1F=4.49249,  nu2B=0.49652,   nu2F=0.09486,   m=0,    Tp=1.70968,     T=1.2218)       m
9       -40957.277307   (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.49652,   nu2F=0.09486,   m=0,    Tp=1.70968,     T=1.2218)       c
Current mean mutation rate:      0.497664
Current mean number of params to change during mutation:          1

--Best solution by value of fitness function--
Value of fitness: -1433.6981366143343
Solution:               (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.70968,     T=1.21844)      c

Mean time:      1.801 sec.

--Finish global optimization Genetic_algorithm--
   status: 1
 success: True
       x: [3.4386201357914534 0.10516033779256068 1.2742316394276632
 0.8169029394972911 1.7096824153217636 1.2184355538385445]
       y: -1433.6981366143343
  n_eval: 152
  n_iter: 10

--Start local optimization optimize_log--
1       -1433.6981366143345     (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.70968,     T=1.21844)
2       -1433.698142851489      (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.70968,     T=1.21844)
3       -1433.6981332863768     (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.70968,     T=1.21844)
4       -1433.698134333416      (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.70968,     T=1.21844)
5       -1433.6981273073666     (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.70968,     T=1.21844)
6       -1433.6981343335756     (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.70968,     T=1.21844)
7       -1433.6981312747257     (nu1F=3.43862,  nu2B=0.10516,   nu2F=1.27423,   m=0.8169,       Tp=1.70968,     T=1.21844)
8       -2609.809724968078      (nu1F=2.13735,  nu2B=0.13553,   nu2F=1.51624,   m=1.6608,       Tp=2.03437,     T=1.8306)
9       -2609.8097231430033     (nu1F=2.13735,  nu2B=0.13553,   nu2F=1.51624,   m=1.6608,       Tp=2.03437,     T=1.8306)
10      -2609.809727972948      (nu1F=2.13735,  nu2B=0.13553,   nu2F=1.51624,   m=1.6608,       Tp=2.03437,     T=1.8306)
11      -2609.8097595038416     (nu1F=2.13735,  nu2B=0.13553,   nu2F=1.51624,   m=1.6608,       Tp=2.03437,     T=1.8306)
12      -2609.8097680132205     (nu1F=2.13735,  nu2B=0.13553,   nu2F=1.51624,   m=1.6608,       Tp=2.03437,     T=1.8306)
13      -2609.809724473851      (nu1F=2.13735,  nu2B=0.13553,   nu2F=1.51624,   m=1.6608,       Tp=2.03437,     T=1.8306)
14      -2609.809733259382      (nu1F=2.13735,  nu2B=0.13553,   nu2F=1.51624,   m=1.6608,       Tp=2.03437,     T=1.8306)
15      -1348.6547333289695     (nu1F=3.14721,  nu2B=0.11025,   nu2F=1.31617,   m=0.9323,       Tp=1.76595,     T=1.3144)
16      -1348.6547371517413     (nu1F=3.14721,  nu2B=0.11025,   nu2F=1.31617,   m=0.9323,       Tp=1.76595,     T=1.3144)
17      -1348.6547317333543     (nu1F=3.14721,  nu2B=0.11025,   nu2F=1.31617,   m=0.9323,       Tp=1.76595,     T=1.3144)
18      -1348.6547378448718     (nu1F=3.14721,  nu2B=0.11025,   nu2F=1.31617,   m=0.9323,       Tp=1.76595,     T=1.3144)
19      -1348.6547359228352     (nu1F=3.14721,  nu2B=0.11025,   nu2F=1.31617,   m=0.9323,       Tp=1.76595,     T=1.3144)
20      -1348.6547317207942     (nu1F=3.14721,  nu2B=0.11025,   nu2F=1.31617,   m=0.9323,       Tp=1.76595,     T=1.3144)
21      -1348.6547322110655     (nu1F=3.14721,  nu2B=0.11025,   nu2F=1.31617,   m=0.9323,       Tp=1.76595,     T=1.3144)
--Finish local optimization optimize_log--
   status: 1
 success: False
 message: GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION: OPTIMIZATION IS NOT STOPPED; LOCAL OPTIMIZATION: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded.
       x: [3.147213338395963 0.11024832837019047 1.3161713345388721
 0.9323024229304987 1.7659504105567985 1.3143963844420017]
       y: -1348.6547333289695
  n_eval: 173
  n_iter: 11

Finshed optimization **************************************************
popt = result.x
print(f'Found parameters: {popt}')
print(f'With log-likelihood: {result.y}')

# Now we can compare our parameters with those that were obtained before:
print('\nFrom Gutenkunst et al 2009:')
# These are the actual best-fit model parameters, which we found through
# longer optimizations and confirmed by running multiple optimizations.
# We'll work with them through the rest of this script.
popt = [1.881, 0.0710, 1.845, 0.911, 0.355, 0.111]
print('Best-fit parameters: {0}'.format(popt))

# Calculate the best-fit model AFS.
model = func(popt, ns)
# Likelihood of the data given the model AFS.
ll_model = moments.Inference.ll_multinom(model, data)
print('Maximum log composite likelihood: {0}'.format(ll_model))
# The optimal value of theta given the model.
theta = moments.Inference.optimal_sfs_scaling(model, data)
print('Optimal value of theta: {0}'.format(theta))
Found parameters: [3.147213338395963 0.11024832837019047 1.3161713345388721
 0.9323024229304987 1.7659504105567985 1.3143963844420017]
With log-likelihood: -1348.6547333289695

From Gutenkunst et al 2009:
Best-fit parameters: [1.881, 0.071, 1.845, 0.911, 0.355, 0.111]
Maximum log composite likelihood: -1066.8225223685229
Optimal value of theta: 2742.0151382905815


Now we could draw some plots for model with best parameters.

# Plot a comparison of the resulting fs with the data.
import pylab
moments.Plotting.plot_2d_comp_multinom(model, data, vmin=1, resid_range=3,
                                    pop_ids =('YRI','CEU'), show=True)
# Now that we've found the optimal parameters, we can use ModelPlot to
# automatically generate a graph of our determined model.

# First we generate the model by passing in the demographic function we used,
# and the optimal parameters determined for it.
model = moments.ModelPlot.generate_model(func, popt, ns)

# Next, we plot the model. See for more information on the various
# parameters that can be passed to the plotting function. In this case, we scale
# the model to have an original starting population of size 11293 and a
# generation time of 29 years. Results are saved to YRI_CEU_model.png.
    fig_title="YRI CEU Example Model",
    pop_labels=["YRI", "CEU"],
[ ]: