Changing theta

This example shows how to change parameter values according to new Theta0.

For example, we have run some GADMA inference for YRI, CEU data (from Gutenkunst et al. 2009):

cat params
rm -rf gadma_result
Input file: YRI_CEU.fs
Output directory: gadma_result
Initial structure: 2,1
Symmetric migrations: True
Silence: True
gadma -p params
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 187. Sum of data in those entries is 3131.77:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 200. Sum of data in those entries is 3062.15:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 78. Sum of data in those entries is 1043.88:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 38. Sum of data in those entries is 505.05:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 180. Sum of data in those entries is 2543.21:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 200. Sum of data in those entries is 3254.83:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 57. Sum of data in those entries is 1133.56:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 200. Sum of data in those entries is 3062.15:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 200. Sum of data in those entries is 3254.83:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 180. Sum of data in those entries is 2714.75:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 180. Sum of data in those entries is 2543.21:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 149. Sum of data in those entries is 2327.05:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 113. Sum of data in those entries is 2028.48:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 140. Sum of data in those entries is 1814.52:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 180. Sum of data in those entries is 2714.75:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 200. Sum of data in those entries is 3062.15:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 15. Sum of data in those entries is 268.335:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 200. Sum of data in those entries is 3062.15:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 180. Sum of data in those entries is 2543.21:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 180. Sum of data in those entries is 2543.21:
WARNING:Inference:Model is < 0 where data is not masked.
WARNING:Inference:Number of affected entries is 200. Sum of data in those entries is 3062.15:

And we have result output:

tail -n 18 gadma_result/GADMA.log

All best by log-likelihood models
Number  log-likelihood  Model
Run 1   -1154.44        [ [ 5.0(t1), [1.602(nu11)], [Sud(dyn11)] ],     [ 1 pop split   10.23% (s1) [0.164(s1*nu11), 1.438((1-s1)*nu11)] ],     [ 1.945(t2), [2.817(nu21), 0.56(nu22)], [[0, 1.326(m2_12)], [1.326(m2_12), 0]], [Exp(dyn21), Sud(dyn22)] ] ]    m       (theta =  2072.52)

You can find picture and python code of best model in the output directory.

--Finish pipeline--

You didn't specify theta at the beginning. If you want change it and rescale parameters, please see tutorial.

Thank you for using GADMA!

In case of any questions or problems, please contact:

# Show picture of our best model
from IPython.display import Image
from IPython.core.display import HTML


All parameters are in genetic units as we have not set Theta0 and Relative parameters: True in the params file. So now we want to transform it. Theta0 is the mutation flux that is the result of:

\(\theta_0 = 4 \mu L\),


  • \(\mu\) - mutation rate per base per generation,

  • \(L\) - length of sequence that was used to build data.

As data is from Gutenkunst et al. 2009 we could take this values from the paper:

  • \(\mu = 2.35 \cdot 10^{-8}\)

  • \(L = 4.04 \cdot 10^6\)

Then our \(\theta_0 = 4 \cdot \mu \cdot L = 4 \cdot 2.35 \cdot 10^{-8} \cdot 4.04 \cdot 10^6 = 0.37976\)


According to our log file GADMA.log we have the following parameters of the demographic model: t1, nu11, s1, t2, nu21, nu22, m2_12. The genetic units are following:

  • Time is in \(2 \cdot N_{ref}\) generations.

  • Populations sizes are relative to \(N_{ref}\).

  • Migrations are in \(\frac{1}{2 \cdot N_{ref}}\)

  • Fractions of splits of populations should not be translated.

\(N_{ref}\) is reference size that is usually size of ancestral population (it is so in GADMA) and could be received by:

\(N_{ref} = \frac{\theta}{\theta0}\)

And \(\theta\) is indicated in the output of our run. So we could use the following function to translate our parameters:

def translate(values, par_labels, N_ref):
    new_values = list()
    for value, label in zip(values, par_labels):
        if label.lower().startswith('t'):  # Time
            new_value = 2 * N_ref * value
        elif label.lower().startswith('n'):  # Population size
            new_value = N_ref * value
        elif label.lower().startswith('m'):  # Migration
            new_value = value / (2 * N_ref)
        else:  # Fractions
            new_value = value
    return new_values

Now let us get our parameters and theta from generated code of our best model, get \(N_{ref}\) and translate values:

cp gadma_result/
from final_model_moments_code import p0, theta
par_labels = ['t1', 'nu11', 's1', 't2', 'nu21', 'nu22', 'm2_12']

print(f"Labels of our parameters:\n{par_labels}")
print(f"Values of our parameters:\n{p0}")
print(f"Optimal theta:\n{theta}")

# get N_ref
N_ref = theta / 0.37976
print(f"\nReference size:\n{int(N_ref)}")

# Translate our parameters
tr_values = translate(p0, par_labels, N_ref)
print(f"\nTranslated values of our parameters:\n{tr_values}")

# Print our parameters
print("\nSo parameters of our demographic history are:")
      "Time between ancestral population size growth/decrease and its split in generations.")
      "Size of ancestral population after growth/decrease.")
print(f"{par_labels[2]}\t=\t{tr_values[2]: .2f}\t-\t"
      "Fraction of ancestral population split. Defines initial sizes of populations after split.")
      "Time of ancestral population split in generations.")
      "Final size of population 1.")
      "Final size of population 2.")
print(f"{par_labels[6]}\t=\t{tr_values[6] : .2e}\t-\t"
      "Symmetric migration rate between population 1 and population 2.")
Labels of our parameters:
['t1', 'nu11', 's1', 't2', 'nu21', 'nu22', 'm2_12']
Values of our parameters:
[5.0, 1.6017267183354083, 0.10231452390998837, 1.9450055497773657, 2.817456387415982, 0.559720261493847, 1.3258648052909567]
Optimal theta:

Reference size:

Translated values of our parameters:
[54574.42005713795, 8741.330674317765, 0.10231452390998837, 21229.5099774029, 15376.10483795062, 3054.6408665256304, 0.00012147310075881814]

So parameters of our demographic history are:
t1      =       54574   -       Time between ancestral population size growth/decrease and its split in generations.
nu11    =       8741    -       Size of ancestral population after growth/decrease.
s1      =        0.10   -       Fraction of ancestral population split. Defines initial sizes of populations after split.
t2      =       21229   -       Time of ancestral population split in generations.
nu21    =       15376   -       Final size of population 1.
nu22    =       3054    -       Final size of population 2.
m2_12   =        1.21e-04       -       Symmetric migration rate between population 1 and population 2.
[ ]: